Community Meals Ministry

Pastor Andrea, in her last sermon of 2024, asked that we at St. Luke’s be emboldened by God’s spirit to step out of our comfort zones in 2025 and explore new ministries for the sake of the poor and unhoused in our community. Ideas she offered included providing shelter for the homeless during storms and/or using our state-of-the-art kitchen in the Family Life Center to help feed the hungry.

As a first step towards these new ministries, Pastors, Church Council, and the Outreach Committee are excited to be startign a Community Meals Outreach Project here at St. Luke’s. We wish to provide a warm welcome and meal for any and everyone in our community! The first meal is tentatively set for Saturday, February 22nd, from 4:30PM-6:30PM.

“For who is greater: the one who is at the table, or the one who serves? Is it not the one at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.” Luke 22:27