Youth And Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry

St. Luke’s Nursery

St. Luke’s has a nursery available every Sunday Morning during our Worship Services and Sunday School hour for infants through 2 years of age. It is led by one of our former Children’s Center Teachers, who is loved by our little ones and by their parents as well. Some parents prefer to leave their child in the nursery the entire service and Sunday School, and others may pick up their child to bring them to Holy Communion with their family.

Children’s Sunday School

Children in Pre-School through 5th Grade are invited to join us every Sunday morning for a gathering in the Sanctuary at 10AM before they go to Sunday School in Education Building. Children learn Bible stories, sing songs, play games, do crafts, and have fun with their friends.

Children’s Church

On Sunday mornings during our worship services, children are invited to take part in our 10-15 min Children’s Church activity directly after the Children’s Sermon. This is a fun way for them to make new friends and to reinforce the lesson of the day. Afterwards, they will re-enter the sanctuary to join their families for the Sermon Hymn and Holy Communion.

Wednesday Night Live

On the second Wednesday evening of the month, St. Luke’s kids gather at church to learn a fun Bible story, play games, make crafts, and share a meal. While they are meeting, their parents are invited to join our Pastors at a local restaurant for food and fellowship with other parents. We call this part of our prgram, “Parents in The Square.”

First Communion Class

Every year during Holy Week, children of the church are invited to join us for First Communion Class, where they bake bread, make banners, and learn about the meaning of Communion. All participants of the class receive their First Communion at worship during our Maundy Thursday Service.

Scouts at St. Luke’s

Cub Scout Pack 795 meets on Tuesday evenings in our Education Building and holds several events and service projects throughout the year. We also host a Scout Troop 701 that meets on Thursdays at 7PM, as well as Scout Troop 725, which meets at 6:30PM on Mondays.

Youth Ministry

Youth Sunday School

Middle and High Schoolers meet with all of our Sunday Schoolers for an opening at 10AM in the Sanctuary, and then they head out to their Sunday School rooms in the Education Building.

Youth Group

Youth in 6th-12th Grades gather regularly on two Sunday evenings a month to share a meal, play group games, and go to fun activities in the community, such as Bubble Soccer, Corn Mazes, Bowling, Ice Skating, Escape Rooms, Urban Air, and more.

Confirmation Classes

7th and 8th Graders are invited to participate in our Discipleship Academy Confirmation Program. Confirmation is focused on deepening faith and experiencing all that the church has to offer for a life of discipleship through service, catechism classes, and growing together in faith with friends and mentors. The goal of the Confirmation experience at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church is for each youth to affirm the promises made by their parents/sponsors at Holy Baptism.

Opportunities for Youth and Children

Throughout the year, Preschool, Elementary, Middle, and High Schoolers have opportunities to take part in pageants, sing in worship, and even serve in worship as acolytes, crucifers, or junior ushers. You are never too young to participate at St. Luke’s!

During the Summer, St. Luke’s offers all sorts of events for both kids and youth, including Summer Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Lutheridge Camp, Luther Road Day Camp, Confirmation Retreats, and even a High School Summer Trip! Each summer looks a little different, but it’s always filled with fun.

Faith Webbing Events

Not only does St. Luke’s have events with specific ages of children and youth grouped together, but we also have a ministry called Faith Webbing, which encourages relationship building between all ages and fosters faith across the generations. To find out more about it, check out our Faith Webbing Page.