Registration 2025-2026

Welcome to St. Luke’s Children’s Center

We offer programs for children ages 6 weeks to 4 years old. We organize our 13 classrooms into groups of similar-aged children. Our children, families, and educators together create a community of learners.

Registration Forms

Click the links below to download our registration forms for the 2025-2026 School Year:

Enrollment and Registration Information 2025-2026

SLCC Application Form 2025-2026


Infant Classes

We have two classes for infants, who are ages 6 weeks to 18 months. Our ratio in these classrooms is 5 children with 2 teachers for the majority of the day.

Toddler Classes

We have three classes for toddlers, who are ages 12 months to 30 months. Our ratio in these classrooms is 5-6 children with two teachers for the majority of the day.

Two Year Old Classes

We have three classes of children ages 2 years old to 3 years old.  In two of these classes, our ratio is 7 children with 1 teacher, and in the third class, our ratio is 6 children with 1 teacher for the majority of the day. 

Three Year Old Classes

We have three classes of children ages  3 years old to 4 years old. The ratio in these classrooms is 7-9 children with 1 teacher.

Four Year Old Classes

We have two classes of children ages  4 years old to 5 years old. Our ratio in these classrooms is 12-14 children with 2 teachers for the majority of the day.

Phone:(843) 871-6666
Director: Sharon Ancrum
Assistant Director of Programs: Alethea Brooks
Assistant Director of Operations: Brenda Carr