Outreach is a high priority for the people of St. Luke’s.
Because Christ has laid down his life for us, we seek to lay down our own lives in service to others. Join us as we share the Gospel and help those in need in our community and around the world! Check out some of the amazing ways that we share Christ’s love in our community and abroad throughout the year. How might God be calling you to serve along with us?
This Spring and Summer, you are invited to join us in these ministries:
School Supply Drive
National Youth Gathering – Zero Hunger Initiative
Jamestown Community Food Bank
Other Year round Outreach Opportunities include:
St. Luke’s Little Food Pantry
Human Needs Network
Neighbors Together
Caring Visitors
The ARK of SC
Missionaries to Japan
In addition to all those ministries listed above, each month, St. Luke’s highlights a different outreach ministry on which our members focus their efforts as part of our Second Mile of Giving. A few of the ministries and events, which St. Luke’s regularly supports, hosts, and with whom our members regularly volunteer, include: Angel Tree Project, Bridges of Hope, ELCA Good Gifts, Faith Build Fridays, LowCountry Home of Hope Homeless Shelter , Lutheran Homes of SC , LowCountry Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, My Sister’s House, Narcotics Anonymous , Newborns in Need, Operation Christmas Child, Reading Buddies, Souper Bowl of Caring, Thanksgiving Basket Ministry, TriCounty Family Ministries, Water Missions, and Veterans Victory House