Adult Sunday School
St. Luke’s has a very active Adult Sunday School program, and you are invited to take part each Sunday at 10AM. Our Augsburg Sunday School Class looks in depth at the weekly readings from our church services. Our Wired Word Class meets focuses on current events through the lens of faith. Our Luther League Class offeres different topical bible studies throughout the year. Our Youngish Adult Class focuses on living out our faith and relating scripture to daily life.
Young Adult Ministry
Are you a young adult? St. Luke’s has a place for you! Come to our Bible and Brew, which takes place in various local breweries once a month, or consider reading and studying together in our Young Adult Book Club, led by Kali. This Fall, our Young Adults are even going on a mountain getaway for a weekend. Why don’t you join them?
Small Groups
St. Luke’s has a number of small groups, which allow adults to get to know each other and form friendships. These include our Ladies’ Lunch Bunch and Men’s Breakfast Club, as well as various Book Clubs and Knitting Groups. There’s also Tai Chi with Dr. Charlie, Painting with Deb, Supper Clubs, Pickleball Games, Coffee with Kali, and more! Check out our Health And Wellbeing Page to read more about the small group opportunities for you at St. Luke’s!
Adult Bible Studies
St. Luke’s has Men’s and Women’s Morning Bible Study Groups that meet on Monday mornings at 9 and 10AM. These groups provide a great way for members to study and connect Scripture to their everyday lives.
Prayer Team
St. Luke’s has a Prayer Team that meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11AM in the Chapel to pray for all who are in need in our congregation, community, and in the world. All are welcome to join us!
Opportunities to Serve
St. Luke’s offers various opportunities to serve in our church and our community. We have many different committees, where your voice can be heard, as you help to come up with ideas, plan events and projects, and participate in all sorts of ways to carry out the mission of St. Luke’s. We have committees for Congregational Life, Finance, Discipleship/Christian Education, Generosity/Stewardship, Outreach, Personnel, Property, Technology, and Worship and Music.

St. Luke’s Women of The ELCA
WELCA (Women of The ELCA) at St. Luke’s has three very active groups of women who grow in faith together as they pray together, share devotions, participate in service projects, engage in fellowship, and even go away for a yearly weekend retreat at Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island. Our WELCA ladies are leaders with servant hearts in our congregation, and they are always looking for new ways to take care of those around them who are in need.

Faith Webbing Events
Not only does St. Luke’s hold events with specific groups and ages of adults, but we also have a ministry called Faith Webbing, which encourages relationship building between all ages and fosters faith across the generations. To find out more about this ministry, check out our Faith Webbing Page.